Tackling B2B Proptech Marketing Challenges: A Bloxspring Guide

August 16, 2023

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Tackling B2B Proptech Marketing Challenges: A Bloxspring Guide

What are the main B2B marketing challenges Proptechs face?

  1. Creating Creative Content
  2. Strategising Effective Campaigns
  3. Closing Hard-to-Convert Customers
  4. Getting the Attention of Target Customers

What can be done to solve these challenges?

B2B Proptech firms face a unique set of marketing challenges. At Bloxspring, we've tailored our strategies to overcome them.

1. Creating Creative Content

The first issue is creating engaging content. To tackle this, we employ digital content like blogs, case studies, and videos to present complex tech solutions in a simple yet compelling way.

2. Strategising Effective Campaigns

Second, strategising effective campaigns. A strategic plan lays the foundation for successful marketing. At Bloxspring, our strategy sessions focus on refining positioning, crafting resonant messages, identifying target audiences, and optimising media strategy.

3. Closing Hard-to-Convert Customers

Third, converting difficult customers. Through Account-Based Marketing (ABM), we zone in on hard-to-convert prospects, creating personalised campaigns to resonate with their specific needs.

4. Getting the Attention of Target Customers

Lastly, getting attention from the right audiences. Bloxspring boosts visibility through effective media relations, securing coverage in both top-tier and industry-specific publications. We also elevate your company's profile through thought leadership, establishing your brand as a go-to authority.

At Bloxspring, we help you navigate these hurdles, turning your marketing challenges into opportunities for growth.